Toons & Teasers
Toons & Teasers
Enjoy our original life science cartoons, conceived by Phil Ness, owner and publisher of (LSH), with illustration by Mark Reeve, an award-winning cartoonist, previously with The Mail On Sunday, who has done work for The Economist, GQ, and DC Comics. Follow us on Instagram…
Our original life science cartoons have resumed and we invite you to check out our newest cartoon: “Defending Science and Reason.” Our next cartoon will be released Feb. 5. We invite you to ‘Stay Tooned‘ and sign up for our weekly original cartoons and bi-monthly news!

The Biology of Valentines (Puzzle 2 of 4)
Read More: The Biology of Valentines (Puzzle 2 of 4)The Biology of Valentines illustrates the many hormones driving this special day for two of our favorites: Estrogen and Testosterone, in all of their…
The Biology of Valentines (Puzzle 1 of 4)
Read More: The Biology of Valentines (Puzzle 1 of 4)The Biology of Valentines illustrates the many hormones driving this special day for two of our favorites: Estrogen and Testosterone, in all of their…
Defending Science and Reason
Read More: Defending Science and ReasonDefending Science and Reason requires suffering the slings and arrows from the army of doubters who embrace myths, conspiracies, pseudoscience and age-old quackery. Epic…
Milestones in Diabetes
Read More: Milestones in DiabetesMilestones in Diabetes illustrates major milestones from the first administration of the hormone insulin in 1921 to a recent National Institutes of Health study…
Milestones in Parkinson’s
Read More: Milestones in Parkinson’sMilestones in Parkinson’s illustrates advancements in the disease from James Parkinson’s essay on ‘shaking palsy’ to development of therapies, the role of pathophysiology and…
Evolution of DNA II
Read More: Evolution of DNA IIThe Evolution of DNA II is an update of our previous Illustration with new dialogue, and extensive very small detail, requiring magnification, to thoroughly…
Women’s History Month II
Read More: Women’s History Month IIWomen’s History Month II celebrates the pioneering achievements of women doctors who served from the battlefield to the neglected communities; advanced chemotherapies and developed…
Milestones in CRISPR
Read More: Milestones in CRISPROur Milestones in CRISPR cartoon illustrates several significant achievements in the development of the technology with commentary by Polly D’ Osuar; Erik Von Muis,…
Milestones in Polio
Read More: Milestones in PolioMilestones in Polio illustrates the slow but steady advancements from its clinical description and discovery to widespread infection and, finally a cure from a…
U.S. Biotech Initiative
Read More: U.S. Biotech InitiativeOn Sept. 14, 2022, The U.S. Biotech Initiative was announced detailing new investments and resources to advance the National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing industry. Published:…
Management, Pre- & Post COVID-19
Read More: Management, Pre- & Post COVID-19COVID-19 has significantly changed the world around us, especially the management of life science companies and organizations, and the juggling of operational issues and…
COVID-19 Vacation Destinations
Read More: COVID-19 Vacation DestinationsSummer vacations are upon us: Where to go? How about going to one of those large events with tens of thousands of your closest…
COVID-19 Wheel of Fortune
Read More: COVID-19 Wheel of FortunePlay the COVID-19 Wheel of Fortune and see how lucky you are! You have two wheels to choose from. Which wheel are you going…
Asian American and Pacific Islander History Month
Read More: Asian American and Pacific Islander History MonthAsian American and Pacific Islander History Month celebrates the scientific accomplishments of several firsts, from the first chemo for children with Leukemia, and oral…
Evolution of DNA
Read More: Evolution of DNAThe Evolution of DNA is an Illustration with the very small, requiring magnification, to the very large. Cast of Characters: Gregor Mendel | Charles…
Women’s History Month I
Read More: Women’s History Month IWomen’s History Month celebrates the Nobel achievements of Marie Curie and her work with radon; Barbara McClintock for jumping genes; Rosalind Franklin for X-ray…
Black History Month
Read More: Black History MonthBlack History Month Celebrates the pioneering accomplishments of James McCune Smith, Rebecca Lee Crumpler, Alexa Canady and Patricia E. Bath for their ground-breaking advancements…
Evolution of CRISPR
Read More: Evolution of CRISPRThe Evolution of CRISPR illustrates its climb out of the primordial oceananic soup on the backs of eukaryotic cells and their friends to its…
COVID-19 Heroes and Remembrance
Read More: COVID-19 Heroes and RemembranceOur Heroes and Remembrance illustration has Maurice Ralph Hilleman and John Enders, pioneering developers of common vaccines, and Clara Barton who served as a…
COVID-19 Roller Coaster
Read More: COVID-19 Roller CoasterThe COVID-19 Roller Coaster is a wild ride, strap yourself in and hold on… Cast of Characters: Senator Addison Mitchell McConnell III | Ellie…
Life-Saving Vaccines
Read More: Life-Saving VaccinesOur Life-Saving Vaccines cartoon illustrates four invaluable vaccines that have significantly impacted human civilization throughout history from smallpox and influenza to the development of…
COVID-19 Vaccinated vs. Non-Vaccinated
Read More: COVID-19 Vaccinated vs. Non-VaccinatedCast of Characters: Jay Inslee, Governor, Washington | Gavin Newsom, Governor, California | Doug Ducey, Governor, Arizona | Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, Director,…
The COVID-19 Vaccine
Read More: The COVID-19 VaccineCast of Characters: Jay Inslee, Governor, Washington | Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | Gavin Newsom, Governor,…
COVID-19 PPE Distribution
Read More: COVID-19 PPE DistributionCast of Characters: Jay Inslee, Governor, Washington | Gavin Newsom, Governor, California | Doug Ducey, Governor, Arizona | Deborah Brix, MD, Director, U.S. Global…
The Wave
Read More: The WaveCast of Characters: Donald Trump, President | Mike Pence, Vice President | Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases…
Science and Reason
Read More: Science and ReasonCOVID-19 and it’s naysayers are attacking Science and Reason. The defenders must suffer the slings and arrows from the army of doubters who throw…
Kefauver Drug Reforms
Read More: Kefauver Drug ReformsSenators James Eastland from Mississippi, and Everett Dirksen from Illinois were among the many who opposed Senator Estes Kefauver’s attempts to reform drug regulation…
Kefauver Drug Reforms
Read More: Kefauver Drug ReformsSenators James Eastland from Mississippi, and Everett Dirksen from Illinois were among the many who opposed Senator Estes Kefauver’s attempts to reform drug regulation…
Lipstick and Color Additives
Read More: Lipstick and Color AdditivesThe U.S. Congress passed the Color Additives Amendment in 1960 prohibiting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from approving carcinogenic colors for use…
FDA Cranberry Crisis
Read More: FDA Cranberry CrisisThis signed editorial cartoon was sent to the FDA in the midst of its “cranberry crisis” in 1959. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare,…